Professional Membership
To qualify for "professional membership", the applicant must be a practicing or retired professional, professor, or graduate of a university program in a technical field such as engineering, architecture, the sciences, mathematics, economics, finance or computer science.
Licensure in an applicant's area of practice is not required but encouraged.
A professional member can participate in all UESA functions, will receive all UESA publication and mailings, is eligible for all UESA member benefits & discounts, can be assigned to project committees, can hold both national and/or local offices, and is eligible to vote in all matters pertaining to UESA.
Members will be assigned to local chapters based upon the location of their prefered mailing address. In regions where a local chapter does not exist, the member will be registered as a "Member-at-Large."
Dues for "professional members" are $50 annually for practicing professionals and $30 annually for retired professionals.
Download a hardcopy Professional Membership Application (PDF)